SOFIA Experimental Facility

The SOFIA experimental facility is currently under construction. The device is primarily intended for the testing of carbon dioxide compressors and turbines. The SOFIA facility allows a temperature of 550°C to be reached, at a pressure of 25 MPa and a flow rate of 23 kg/s. The maximum turbine power that can be tested is limited to 1.8 MWe. The power consumption of the compressors under test is up to 1MWe. In addition to rotating machines, the facility also allows other components, such as heat exchangers, valves and other components of sCO2 cycles, to be tested. The facility will be commissioned in 2024 and will be available for commercial use from 2025. This facility is being built with the support of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA ČR), the Ministry of Industry and Trade and other private sources. Doosan Škoda Power, ÚJV and Inpraise Systems are collaborating on the system construction.