Renewables – geothermal energy, solar thermal energy

It is possible to use a sCO2 cycle system in combination with renewable sources of energy, especially from solar systems or geothermal energy. A number of studies have considered the use of geothermal energy and various circulation concepts have been considered, including gravity driven arrangements. In sufficiently deep dry wells, due to the high density of the cold and hot mediums, only gravity would be needed to drive the circulation, and there would be no need for a compressor.
The sCO2 cycle can also be used in CSP (Concentrated Solar Power) plants that can work with different heat transfer media. Co2 can be used as the heat receiver and coolant. However, the more commonly used versions transfer the concentrated solar energy, in the form of heat, to molten nitrogen salts, or more recently, for example, to solid ceramic particles. It is possible for thermal energy to be converted into electrical energy 24hours a day, including at night. This concept is being developed as part of the COMPASsCO2 project. A description of COMPASsCO2 can be found under the projects tab.